Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ramblings of an Pregnant Insomniac....

So, as many of you know, I haven't been able to sleep on a normal schedule lately. I think it's because of a combination of pregnancy hormones and excitement/anxiety about becoming a mom. In effect I've become somewhat of a third-shift sleeper - it doesn't seem to matter what I do, I just can't sleep before about 5:30 am.

Happily, school is out, and I don't have a summer job, so the only reason I can't sleep until 3 in the afternoon is sunlight - I have no obligations (except the weekly doctor's appointment), so I can usually still get my 8 hours in. Another plus? Late-night TV and silliness with Matthew. It's been awfully fun to watch old movies I haven't seen forever, such as The Naked Gun 2 1/2 and Batman and Robin. It almost makes it worth sitting through the 18 "Girls Gone Wild" advertisments per hour they start on G4 and Spike after midnight.

As for the Matthew silliness, it's been fun to play "How Wacky Will Labor Be?" So far, Matthew wants me to say "Kamehameha!" (from Dragon Ball Z) right before the final push, and "Skadoosh" (from Kung Fu Panda) when labor is done. I doubt I'll be in the mood to indulge such silliness at the end of labor, but it's fun conversation for 3 am! And of course, if nothing is on, I can always play video games. Funny, but something about playing Kingdom Hearts and Katamari Damacy at 4 am makes me want to eat Cheetos. Matthew says I'm turning into a 13-year-old boy. I say I'm more of a video-game-playin', Cheeto-eatin' vampire. Anybody else have a vote?

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