Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Halloween Fun

This Halloween was just a little different than most years. In addition to the usual trick-or-treater ducking (complete with turning out all the lights in the house and turning down the volume on our movie, so people think we're not home), we added one extra activity. A pregnancy test. Matthew and I made a special trip to get a new pack (the ones we had at the house were expired) and made a stop at McDonalds on the way back. I took the test, and we got results so fast, I had barely set the timer for 3 minutes. When I saw the read-out, Matthew thought I had seen a mouse because I yelped! Yep, we're pregnant! I went to the doctor the next day, and he confirmed it. I got pre-natal vitamins and the name of an OB to see down in Winchester. So far, it seems the due date is the end of June, which works out perfectly for us- Matthew and I will both be off of school by then, and I'll have several weeks to freak out and finish "nesting."
So far I've been feeling really good, no morning sickness or any of that stuff. I'm just becoming an expert at napping- I'm tired all the time. I've really had fun telling our friends, and they've already been great about offering to help out. (We already have a virtual army of friends ready to babysit.)
So keep us in your prayers, and I'll TRY to keep up on my blog, so you all are up-to-date!!!