Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Bishop is Coming! The Bishop is Coming!

Wow, what a couple of weeks! We were on Spring Break two weeks ago, and my Bishop was in town last week.

Spring Break was kind of a bust. I had so many papers due that I spend the whole week writing and doing research. The nice thing was I got to sleep in, and when I took a break from my work, I could go into the living room and Matthew was there to hang out with me. (He had Spring Break too!) There's nothing like sharing Daily Show Reruns at 1:00 in the afternoon with your loved one to perk you up! :) The good news is I got all my work done in time for the Bishop's visit.

I think it's official now. Fond du Lac has the coolest Bishop ever. Bishop Russel E. Jacobus was our Bishop-In-Residence at Sewanee last week, and we just had a great time. He was a big hit with my classmates, and even showed his support by attending a concert put on by Shrimp Boots, a seminary band. He sat in on some classes, met with some students and faculty, and participated in a community forum about church politics. Here's what some students have said...
"Your Bishop is so cool."
"We don't share the same political views, but even so, I would work for him in a heartbeat."
"He is so pastoral."
"I would work for him if I could handle the weather in Wisconsin!"
"He has such a cool name!" (I didn't make that one up!)
and on and on...
Thank you to Bishop Jacobus for a great visit. We're all looking forward to seeing you again next year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I can agree with the statement that Bishop Jacobus is cool (and not just because I work for him), I have an epistemological difficulty with calling him the "coolest bishop ever". How can one determine the validity of that statement? Hm...

Matthew Payne