Friday, January 26, 2007

A Winter Day Off

Today was a big day: I actually got to go "off the mountain" for a few hours! (That's a big deal around here since I spend most of my time studying! The only time I've left campus this month was one Saturday when I went with some friends to buy a book case from Wal-Mart!) Matthew was able to go shopping with me in Chattanooga, because school was canceled. Why? Was it a snow day? No! The schools were closed because the flu has hit Tennessee! It's a bummer for all the people who are sick, but it was nice for us to have a little field trip. We went to Kohl's, Target, and Starbuck's. Big day, right? :)

You see what passes for excitement around here! But really, it was a great distraction from all of my reading. The weather was beautiful, the sun was shining, and it was a balmy 48 degrees! It still doesn't feel cold enough to be January, but I could get used to it! The "southern folk" down here still think I'm crazy for not wearing a coat all the time, but I love it!


Eric said...

Hey Anne, nice blog... welcome to the blogosphere.

Anonymous said...

Whaddup neighborish.....
Saw the link from Eric's to yours and you can visit mine too:
We can all be one big blogging family.